Number Sense & Place Value | Numbers 120 to 999
Count, Write & Compare Numbers, Place Value, Expanded Form, 10 More 10 Less, 100 More 100 Less
Daily Number Sense Practice Workbook | Special Education Math Intervention | Second Grade Math Level
This Place Value and Number Sense (120-999) workbook includes an example IEP goal and carefully sequenced practice pages and review for the entire year. Better than worksheets, this evidence-based math intervention is tied to second and third grade standards and is great for special education math goals and tier 2 small group math interventions (RTI).
Perfect for a quick warm-up routine at the beginning of each math lesson. Help your students master three-digit numbers with daily practice in a clear and predictable format using base ten blocks and number lines. These pages focus on numbers 120 to 999.
If your students are not yet ready for second grade skills, (and you'd like to start with numbers 0-120) you may be interested in Place Value and Number Sense to 120.
After this workbook, students will be ready for Hundreds: Expanded Form, Comparing, & Rounding
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This PDF Download Includes:
Daily Practice Sheets
This workbook includes 140 pages of sequential daily practice. Skills are introduced in order from least complex (level A) to most complex (level C).
Level A (40 pages)
- Count within a decade. For example: 350 to 359
- Skip count by hundreds. For example: 100, 200, 300 . . .
- In number sense tasks, use only numbers that do not have a zero in the tens place.
- Round to the nearest ten given the numbers on a number line.
Level B (50 pages)
- Count across decades. For example: 325 to 335
- Skip count by tens. For example: 200, 210, 220, 230, . . .
- In number sense tasks, use numbers with a zero in both the tens and ones place. For example: 300
- Round to the nearest ten given the numbers on a number line.
Level C (50 pages)
- Count across hundreds. For example: 295 to 305
- Skip count by tens transitioning across hundreds. For example: 380, 390, 400, 410, . . .
- In number sense tasks, use numbers with a zero in the tens place. For example: 503
- Round to the nearest ten or hundred with numbers missing from the number line.
Students Will Be Able To:
- Count by 1’s beginning at a given number within 0 to 999
- Count the number of base ten blocks and write the numeral
- Read three-digit numbers in numeral and word form
- Compare the value of three-digit numbers using < and >
- Circle the base ten blocks needed to represent a three-digit number
- Write a three-digit number in expanded form
- Write three-digit numbers in sequence, counting by tens and hundreds
- Add and subtract 10 or 100 to a three-digit number (either mentally or by using the workspace provided)
- Round a three-digit number to the nearest ten or hundred using the number line.
Teacher Feedback:
❤️ “I have started using this resource as an entrance activity for my math intervention groups. It's great review and practice!!" -Jennifer B.
❤️ “This is one of my favorite and most used TPT purchases. It has been extremely useful in my resource room for building number sense and understanding of place value." -Julie W.
❤️ “I used this as a warm-up activity at the beginning of class. Once they understood the concept, it really helped build number sense and helped them understand expanded form!!! Loved it!" -Chelsea R.
❤️ “These resources continue to exceed my expectations! My students continue to show growth on their IEP goals thanks to this!" -Caitlyn D.
❤️ “What a wonderful, thought out and easy to use curriculum! I appreciate that everything you need is on the student sheet and there is not a lot of prep involved. Using in Resource Room with multiple levels and lessons going at the same time, this makes teaching math so much easier!" -Filling in the Pieces
❤️ “I don't need to look for math resources from anywhere but here! I used this with my neurotypical child because I have had such REMARKABLE success using these resources with my child with autism. LIFE CHANGING." -Jennifer D.
❤️ “This is a HUGE resource! It has A LOT of materials. They are sequential and work very well for students who benefit from a consistent routine and a consistent approach to their work. I started to use this during distance learning and saw a great deal of growth." -Jennifer L.
❤️ “I have spent so much time trying to teach place value, base ten block representation, and expanded notation. One week of whole group practice and my students are grasping this concept independently. Thanks!" -Jessica P.
❤️ “Wonderful product that was obviously created with a great deal of thought. Thank you!" -Kerri G.
❤️ “This is extremely useful for working with the ‘I don't get it!’ kids. Thank you so much.”
❤️ “This is an incredibly useful tool in our math intervention. Thank you!”
❤️ “THANK YOU!!! I teach special ed and am always looking for resources. By far one of the best.”
❤️ “This has been SO helpful in helping my struggling upper elementary students with basic number sense and place value concepts. They get the regular practice they need, and once they've been taught the different routines, they feel confident in their work!" -Kimberly D.
❤️ “All of these are great for my self-contained classroom. They need things broken down and lots of repetition! We do them together during our unit and then I use pages in their independent work to spiral and keep them practicing their skills!" -Erin F.
❤️ “My 4th and 5th-grade special education students have really benefited from this unit. They haven't yet grasped place-value and after starting to use this product, they begged daily to keep working! They feel very confident now and their skills are generalizing. Finally! Thank you!!" —Lindsy
❤️ “This is EXACTLY what I have been searching for! Sequential, easy for students to understand and room to write! Bless you!!!!" -Tracey M.
❤️ “Amazing!! My special education students who struggle with basic number sense are loving this. It helps build those basic foundational skills!! It's a great warm up and independent practice activity." -Denise G.
❤️ “So great to have so much practice in one resource!" -Jaina H.
❤️ “This packet is very helpful for teaching and reviewing number sense concepts! I like how each lesson builds on the previous lesson." -Jennifer K.
❤️ “I am using several of these units with a couple of students who experienced prenatal alcohol and drug exposure and am using some on an as-needed basis with other students as well. I have seen the main students I purchased this for go from being completely overwhelmed and shut down in math to being excited to show me their progress each day. I cannot recommend these highly enough!" -Melissa H.
Tied to These Second Grade Math Standards:
- Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones (CCSS 2.NBT.A.1)
- Count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s. (CCSS 2.NBT.A.2)
- Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. (CCSS 2.NBT.A.3)
- Compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons. (CCSS 2.NBT.A.4)
- Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100–900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100–900. (CCSS 2.NBT.B.8)
- Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. (CCSS 3.NBT.A.1)
View More Place Value and Number Sense Workbooks
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Step-by-Step Math to Mastery™ Resources:
✰ Make math easier to understand.
- Help students over math hurdles with clear, sequential, scaffolded lessons.
- Prevent overwhelm. Build student confidence.
✰ Make math easier to teach.
- Save hours of planning and piecing together materials.
- Paraeducators can deliver quality instruction independently. Open & teach.
Reasons You'll Love Step-by-Step Math to Mastery™ Resources
- Boosts student confidence and progress
- Lightens teacher workload
- Time-saving: print and teach
- Easy prep: only black ink is needed
- Easy to teach, paraeducator-friendly
- Example IEP goals and shorter term objectives
- Consistent & predictable format
- Lots of practice repetitions
- Scaffolded with structured workspaces
- Fewer problems on a page, white space, minimal visual clutter
- Tied to standards
- Explicit/Direct instruction
- Systematic & sequential
- Mastery approach--teaching one topic at a time, one strategy at a time
- Lessons have "I Can" statements, model problems, guided practice, & independent practice
- Each workbook can be used individually as a stand-alone intervention for that skill or they can be used together, taking students from the basics of number sense and addition in first grade all the way to dividing fractions and decimals in fifth grade.
- Can also be used with older students (middle & high school) to help fill the gaps in their learning.
About the Author
Hi! I am a Special Education & Title 1 teacher interested in task analysis. My resources break tasks into small and explicit steps, reducing cognitive load for learners so they can feel successful and confident rather than overwhelmed and reluctant to try. I strive to lighten the workload of teachers by making resources as practical and easy-to-use as possible. I sincerely hope my work can benefit you and your students.
I appreciate your support and feedback.
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Copyright © Angela Dansie, All rights reserved. This product is to be used by the original purchaser for single class use only. You may not put this product on the internet where it could be publicly found and downloaded. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. If you want to share this resource with colleagues, please purchase additional licenses. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use only.
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I use this as a warm up for my students to help improve their number sense. I love it!