Testimonials & Feedback

Comments on Student Progress
I am using several of these units with a couple of students who experienced prenatal alcohol and drug exposure and am using some on an as-needed basis with other students as well. I have seen the main students I purchased this for go from being completely overwhelmed and shut down in math to being excited to show me their progress each day. I cannot recommend these highly enough!
--Melissa H.
I love the approach and routine to your math units and the multiplication was no exception! Students with Intellectual Disability were multiplying with pride and parents were very tickled! Great evidenced-based structure.
--Melissa G.
Simple steps and explanations helped my ELL students tremendously. Thank you.
--L. G.
I used this resource to teach a child from Somalia how to regroup with subtraction. The explicit instruction was instrumental in helping the child conceptualize regrouping. I also appreciate the numerous sheets available for additional practice. Thank you!
--Baudelina A.
This has been AMAZING for my learning support 2nd graders!!! They're finally feeling success!!
--Laurie M.
My 4th and 5th grader students with learning disabilities are finally feeling successful in math!
--Kimberly D.
This is amazing. I'm using it with a 6th grade tutoring student who has autism. He is making great progress already!
--Kimberly F.
We have struggled a lot getting my autistic 4th grader to understand multiplication. With this bundle it's been a breeze. The large font and small amounts of problems on each page have prevented him from being overwhelmed. We have only worked through chapter one so far but he flew through almost 175 pages in a matter of 2 weeks averaging 20-30 pages a day and retaining it. I'm really thankful to this bundle and can't wait to get more.
--Viola P.
I wish that there was an A+ option for how amazing this resource is! This honestly is one of the best purchases I have ever made on TPT. My intervention students have blossomed with using this resource. It is extremely thorough and guides the students through scaffolded steps to achieve competency. Couldn't ask for a better resource!
--Lindsey D.
Comments on Being Paraeducator Friendly
These worksheets work great in my resource room. I love the way they are broken up into the different parts of the lesson. It works perfect for having a para work with the student.
--Jennifer B.
I just love all these resources for clear and scaffolded work that I can use or I can give to a paraprofessional to implement!
--Shana B.
This resource is easy to use for my students and paras. Thanks!
--Rachel W.
Thank you for this! I have found that these units are THE BEST materials I have used for my math groups in my special education class (from TpT or curriculum materials). The direct instruction model is exactly what we need! These are also awesome resources for my assistants with the clear directions for what the teacher should say and do. I can just print the unit I want them to teach and let them go! I can't wait for you to create even more units (multiplication, division, time to the minute, etc)!
--Martha C.
This resource is easy to use and matches the description. It has been helpful for me to use with our resource room instructional aide as she works with small groups and individual students on their math goals.
--Kim C.
These units are extremely helpful for my students and paras! I love the guided release of responsibility, routine lessons and the way it builds upon itself! Thank you VERY much!
Comments on School Use
Angela's math resources are perfect for my multi-level special education class. They provide straight-forward simple directions and visually UNcluttered pages. Our regular education math curriculum is confusing and visually overstimulating. My students have made great progress using your math units! Thank you!!! I wish there were a higher rating!
--Amy C.
Keep these math books coming. These workbooks are the BEST resources to assist students in learning math. As a SPED 4-5 teacher, I am recommending these as supplemental for general ed teachers to use too for their struggling students. LOVE these workbook series!!!
--Jessica P.
Perfect for my SPED students in their general ed classes- they can work on skills aligned to the curriculum, but at their level, and the repetition gives them chances to feel successful working independently.
--Kimberly D.
Perfect resource for helping my special ed grade 4/5 students build their addition and subtraction skills! The CCSS are clearly identified for several grade levels, which makes it very easy for me to build IEP goals. The pace is slow but steady, just exactly what my kids need! Angela writes excellent curriculum, I've bought many of her products and always been super satisfied!
--Valerie H.
This is a great resource for math rotations. I teach 4-8 AU/ED/ID in a self-contained classroom in a public separate school. My capable para is able to implement this easily and it is effective in teaching the students.
--Emily S.
Perfect for my Tier II intervention groups.
--Kirsten P.
I am a middle school resource teacher and struggle to find ways to simplify topics for my special needs students. These sets are very helpful!
--Charles N.
One of the best resources on TPT for Special Education. When you have sped students in a self-contained classroom that are not low enough to take the alternate assessment and you’re not an expert in math, this is a must resource to add to your collection. This is an excellent resource for those self-contained special education teachers that have to reinvent the wheel to put together a curriculum to meet the needs of their students.
--Success Beyond the Box Teaching Materials
I have been using these products to keep data on students individual IEP goals. It is clear and concise so that the kids are able to learn these valuable concepts. I have students ask if they can work in their workbook on a daily basis. I print them and use a comb binder to keep them together.
--Erica C.
I can't say enough about this resource. Best I've ever bought from TPT. I have four grades in my classroom, at the same time. This makes math time stress free, while everyone works on what they need to target. Thank you!
--Everyday I’m Teaching It
This bundle has been an invaluable resource in my contained special education classroom. The learning is so scaffolded and really breaks down tough math concepts into manageable steps for my learners.
--Kirsten M.
This product is amazing in so many ways. It is so great for students who struggle with math as it provides learning strategies, ample practice opportunities, and assessments. Well done!
--Matthew M.
So beneficial for my struggling math students. I have a student teacher this year and our district math program is so huge and cumbersome, but having this as a guide for her to take a small group and work with them is awesome! I like that the directions are right on the page, and that the activities are repetitive for some things, so they know what to expect.
--Kate A.
Comments on Home Use
What a great bundle of material! Having struggled to help a child with learning delays and disabilities for several years I found this to a blessing both for him and for me.
--Bonnie C.
My grandson loves these worksheets. He has been able to master the coins and feel confident to count by himself. I am just a grandma helping out, this has been a great help for me a home schooler. Thanks!!
--Buyer, Dec. 2017
I was able to print these workbooks off and drop them off for my students. The visual steps and scaffolding are perfect for them to learn from home.
–Jane J.
I used this for tutoring and it was wonderful!
--Erin P.
Comments on Practicality
The practicality of these units is off the charts!!! They make math time so much easier for me to plan!!
–-Janelle M.
As a special ed teacher who provides push-in support to students at a variety of levels, your math interventions have been a lifesaver this year! I'm able to pinpoint where to start my kids, can easily align it to the standards, and I don't end up spending hours sifting through websites online trying to find math work that will fit my kids' needs. Thank you!
--Kimberly D.
This is a godsend for teachers who have to program for a wide range of abilities, simultaneously.
--Juliana R.
I love all of your bundles. They make doing math a breeze with my kiddos. It used to take me hours to prep and think of what to do - because I have four different levels in my classroom. Now I just follow your curriculum for each different level (using your different packs). Thanks for your great stuff.
--Marci G.
I love that this was simple and straight forward. This product is great to use for progress monitoring.
--Gina W.
Easy to use, very thorough!
--Colleen F.
These units are so easy to incorporate into my small groups for math.
--Lynae D.
Easy to use and easy to differentiate with.
--Cynthia S.
Another great resource! The structure worked well for my very diverse group of learners, and it helped me immeasurably with planning and the implementation of differentiated content.
--Juliana R.
Clear, well-organized, sequential. Very easy to use.
--Ellen B.
Thank you so much. I was looking for a resource for my 1st and 2nd grade resource room. General education curriculum/materials made teaching math cumbersome. I felt like I spent more time teaching the various components of the program and teaching math was secondary. This is just what I needed to make math manageable for my special learners. I love that examples are concrete and instruction is direct. Thank you so much!
--Sherri H.
Great lessons with low prep. Use it every day.
--Shannon B.
Thorough, research based, result based, straight forward and flexible! I wish I had these across all levels and subjects!!!
--Brenda F.
A..M..A..Z..I..N..G!! There is so much here to teach the common core standards in a way that all can access the material. Thank you!
--Heidi J.
Comments on Layout
My students absolutely love this! They progress through the curriculum without being overwhelmed and all pages contain the perfect amount of white space for them!
--Cheryl S.
This is an amazing resource to use with my SPED students! My para loves the simplicity of the layout while serving students on their goals!
--Jessica K.
This is a wonderful resource! It helps that the I Can statement appears at the top of each page! I use this in my self-contained classroom for students who are not yet able to perform on grade level. I researched for too long before finally finding this resource and I am NOT disappointed! Thank you for this.
--Jennifer M.
I have purchased many of the intervention resources from this vendor. Her materials are great for special education students and those who struggle with math concepts. Love the large print and how tasks are broken down into smaller steps.
--Mona W.
These pages are clear and concise. Plenty of white space allows my easily distracted students to focus, and scaffolds them just enough to make them feel challenged, yet assured of success.
--Brittnie G.
Excellent resource for my math resource class. I appreciate the number of questions on a page, which prevents my students from becoming immediately overwhelmed. Perfect for task analysis and I wish I found this resource sooner!
--Baudelina A.
Comments on Being Worth the Price
I was a bit skeptical about spending this much on an item so I purchased one of the smaller units and was blown away by how amazing this product is. Here I am less than a week later back to buy the full kit. Thank you for all of the work that you put into this product!
--Cary W.
I've been searching for something like this for years! I am SO glad I stumbled on it today! Thank you for an amazing resource! Worth every penny!
--Chrystal S.
Well worth the money!!! Will be using this for years to come :). Thank you!
--Kristie R.
I've been needing this product since I started teaching K-4 special education 8 years ago. If you are hesitant to purchase, make the investment!
--Ashley S.
To be honest, I was on the fence as to whether or not I was going to purchase this. The price tag was scary and if I didn't like it, I would have been stuck. I am glad I did though. This is an extremely well thought out product. It is put together with an attention to detail that just leaves you feeling like the author fine-tuned this after use in her own classroom. It is exactly what I needed for one of my small groups and I would be eager to purchase products that mirrored the same format but addressed the next stage of skills.
--Christina R.
This is a fantastic resource for my students with a variety of disabilities. Well worth it.
--Opal H.
Thank you for making this resource. It was pricey but so worth it.
--Catalina H.
Comments on Number Sense and Place Value
This has been SO helpful in helping my struggling upper elementary students with basic number sense and place value concepts. They get the regular practice they need, and once they've been taught the different routines, they feel confident in their work!
--Kimberly D.
All of these are great for my self-contained classroom. They need things broken down and lots of repetition! We do them together during our unit and then I use pages in their independent work to spiral and keep them practicing their skills!
--Erin F.
My 4th and 5th-grade special education students have really benefited from this unit. They haven't yet grasped place-value and after starting to use this product, they begged daily to keep working! They feel very confident now and their skills are generalizing. Finally! Thank you!!
This is EXACTLY what I have been searching for! Sequential, easy for students to understand and room to write! Bless you!!!!
--Tracey M.
Amazing!! My special education students who struggle with basic number sense are loving this. It helps build those basic foundational skills!! It's a great warm up and independent practice activity.
--Denise G.
So great to have so much practice in one resource!
--Jaina H.
This packet is very helpful for teaching and reviewing number sense concepts! I like how each lesson builds on the previous lesson.
--Jennifer K.
I have spent so much time trying to teach place value, base ten block representation, and expanded notation. 1 week of whole group practice and my students are grasping this concept independently. Thanks!
--Jessica P.
Comments on the Addition Series
These resources are amazing. I am teaching this concept to middle school special education students. This is allowing me to scaffold the process of this concept for them.
--Patience S.
This really broke down the process for my students. They easily attack a variety of word problems with the unknown in any position because of the foundation that these lessons provided.
--Elizabeth R.
Comments on Word Problems
This is a great program for my small group to understand the meaning of math signs, equations and basic math vocabulary in word problems.
--Gertrud M.
My students have a much better grasp on the fact that something is happening in the story and that you can't just look at the numbers and guess.
--Angela D.
This is the best step-by-step guide I have found for story problems. Very straight forward!
--Christina G.
This is really helping my students with special needs understand word problem concepts! It has always been so challenging to help them learn why we add or subtract. The visuals and hand motions make sense to them!!! Thank you!
--Dana W.
This is very detailed and works well with my special education students who struggle with math problem solving.
--Olga M.
Comments on the Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction Series
This intervention has been amazing! It is comprehensive enough to see if students really understand how to carry. I have students who would break down when they saw a double-digit question, now they are pros and ready for the triple digits!
--Jennifer E.
These workbooks were a lifesaver! My students were struggling with organization and remembering to complete the steps when regrouping. These include helpful visuals and check off lists to help students learn how to solve problems.
--Jane J.
This is great for my self-contained class! It addresses the specific skill of regrouping and provides enough repeated review/drill to be effective with my students.
--Emily Specker
Absolutely love this! Simple design, well scaffolded.
--Shana B.
I used this with a group of Grade 4 students that were struggling to understand regrouping. The steps that break down the process really helped them understand the process better. Great product!
--Kathryn S.
Perfect for a difficult concept...will be using forever!
--Carla P.
Very great! So helpful in my special education classroom. Thank you so much! This has really changed my student's outlook on the skill of subtracting.
--Nicole S.
Absolutely fabulous resource! It outlines very specific steps to follow to help students master subtraction with regrouping. It's one of the best resources I've ever bought on TPT. Thank you!
--Kerri G.
I have made many purchases on TPT over many years, and this is hands down the single greatest purchase I have ever made. EVER! I lack the words to articulate how marvelous this resource is and what a game-changer it has been. THANK YOU!
--Jennifer D.
I love the way this breaks down the difference between addition and subtraction for students--the scaffolding is awesome!
--Jasmine H.
LOVE these kits! My students find so much comfort in the setup!
--Jaina H.
LOVE this product!!! Great step-by-step method. My students were so excited to be successful solving word problems.
--Denise G.
This is a great resource to practice word problems. The set up was easy for my kids to use and really helped my struggling kids.
--Kathleen S.
This resource has been an excellent addition to my resource room! It provided students with the necessary skills to work on word problems where they had to "think" instead of always finding the key word! Just what I needed!
--Megan C.
Comments on the Multiplication Series
This has been a game changer for my students! We have tried several different approaches to multiplication for my special learners and this is the way to go!
--Megan P.
We have struggled a lot getting my autistic 4th grader to understand multiplication. With this bundle it's been a breeze. The large font and small amounts of problems on each page have prevented him from being overwhelmed. We have only worked through chapter one so far but it flew through all almost 175 pages in a matter of 2 weeks averaging 20-30 pages a day and retaining it. I'm really thankful to this bundle and can't wait to get more.
--Viola P.
My SPED director was very impressed when I showed her I was using this. She asked if I could locate the same comprehensive material for other standards. Very happy.
--Josephine J.
Worth it to hear one of my 4th graders say "Oh! THAT'S what multiplication is!"
--Kimberly D.
SUPER RESOURCE!! My grade 4/5 sped students who were ready to begin multiplication are finding this unit very comfortable. I love the teacher prompts and the attention to math vocabulary. The pacing is nice and slow for those who need to ease into things but faster kids can complete multiple pages at a sitting.
--Valerie H.
Loved this for my 3-5 self contained classroom, thank you!!
--Katie K.
Great product!! Clear, easy to use and supports the concepts my students need to learn rather than just memorization!! Equal groups, arrays, area. Lots of visual supports!!
--Denise G.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Your products are a staple in my classroom. This is my first year teaching 4th grade special ed and I have been so apprehensive about the best way to teach this skill. Your lessons and workbooks are so easy to follow!
--Kelly R.
This has been a saving grace! Works great for kids in my resource room, and provides grade level content at an accessible level.
--Brenda F.
FANTASTIC! Working wonders for my boys with autism. Thank you so much for all your work on this!!!!
--Holly W.
Comments on the Division Series
This helped my special education students understand division in a short period of time! Thank You!
--Jennifer K.
Love this! Thank you - it is just the right amount of support I needed to help my students!
--Iowa Teacher
My 7th and 8th grade moderately disabled students really enjoyed this resource. It helped them to understand the difference in when to use multiplication and when to use division with word problems. The next step for them will be to apply the concept to more complicated word problems.
--Mira L.
This was great for my students who had a hard time understanding the differences between multiplication and division word problems.
--Whitney H.
Fantastic resource! I love how this resource really helps to teach my students how to decide if they should multiply or divide when presented with story problems.
--Lauren P.
Double thumbs up for this product! Really helps my students decided which operation to use when given a multiplication or division story problem... only wish I found this product sooner!
--Kelsey P.
Normally I just write a basic generic comment, but not this time! This workbook is amazing! I can't imagine the time it took to create! As a general ed teacher it has been perfect for my identified and RTI students. For the 1st time I finally feel like I am offering them a truly new way to learn long division. I only wish she had more upper elementary workbooks for math!
--Way in the Back
This was a game-changer. Students were totally blocked on long division with the school curriculum. We introduced these steps and within days started to see progress. Has lots of practice problems. Thank you so much for a great resource!
--Deborah R.
A lifesaver for my struggling students!
--Ashley B.
I have a student with autism struggling with long division. This resource is exactly what I was looking for!
--Shay M.
Your math interventions have been a lifesaver for my students, their gen ed teachers, and me! No more spending hours trying to find work that meets their needs and aligns to what is happening in the classroom.
--Kimberly D.
Finally - a resource to help sequentially teach long division for students who process a bit more slowly. Lots of practice pages to help them develop the concept.
--Evelyn T.
These units have been extremely helpful for my students struggle to grasp the concept of division and how it relates to multiplication. Our district curriculum is a little to "fluffy" and these workbooks provide my students with predictability and are super easy for my paras to teach!
Comments on the Fractions Series
Helped concepts make sense to a student with severe dyscalculia.
--Stephanie M.
You will not find a better resource out there - I promise. This is FANTASTIC. It has been a complete game-changer. THANK YOU!!
--Jennifer D.
This resource is a wonderful way to introduce fractions to my struggling 3rd graders.
--Summer E J.
Perfect for my resource room students! Makes fractions easy to understand and fun to work with.
--Kim G.
This has been wonderful for my high school self contained math class!
--Simple Special Ed
I used this resource during my small group math time and my kids were engaged and enjoyed learning. They were even able to work independently on the pages which made them feel so accomplished!
--Emily D.
Comments on Telling Time and Counting Money
This is an amazing product! I am a special education teacher and my students were able to understand telling time with the embedded accommodations. Love this product!!
--Alisa Ann W.
My special education students were mastering their time telling skills so quickly with this product! Thanks!
--Stephanie P.
My grandson loves these worksheets. He has been able to master the coins and feel confident to count by himself. I am just a grandma helping out, this has been a great help for me a home schooler. Thanks!!
--Buyer, Dec. 2017
This is one of the best resources on money I've ever used. My special ed students LOVE it, and they are learning and retaining so much! Thank you!
--Christine L.
This is an amazing product. It has really helped my student grasp counting money. They were really struggling before, but this makes a lot of sense to them.
--Amy G.
Age appropriate resource for high school sped students in a life skills program. Thanks!
--Casandra W.
Comments on Measuring Length
This was a great resource to support a measurement unit for my students with Intellectual Disabilities. The progression of activities was just right for my students, and the visuals kept them engaged in learning.
--Sarah G.
I don't think anyone could teach the concepts so that they are any easier to understand. Thank you.
--Marci G.
Used this with my whole class. Engaging!
--Julie B.
Perfect for my kiddos with severe intellectual disabilities trying to stay on the common core (adapted and modified of course)
--Megan M.
Comments on Graphs and Data
Fabulous unit! Covered everything and the students loved the pictures and games included. Thanks!
--Amanda P.
This truly helped my student with special needs understand in a way he could comprehend how to graph and analyze graphs.
--Abbey W.